Hi, I’m Jamie! I’m a 30something Floridian, navigating life with my better half, Luis, and our family of four boys. We enjoy exploring our area: more specifically the outdoors, restaurants, museums, and historical places. As much as I love the mouse, we like to see a side of Florida that a lot of people miss. Personally, I’m not a fan of heat and humidity, but I make the best of it.
I’m an avid learner. I’ve spent six out of the past 10 years in school for various things- photography, criminology, business, nursing. I’m addicted to Khan Academy and Coursera. My hobby is genealogy; my primary focus/specialty (if you could call it that) is Puerto Rican genealogy. In my free time, I enjoy transcribing information from records through FamilySearch Indexing.
A little more what?
Sazón is literally seasoning. More specifically, it’s a packet of seasoning salt, with coloring added. In Puerto Rican food, it’s what gives food that yellow-orange color. It’s used on everything, and I mean everything. When I first started dating Luis, I would cook and he would tell me every time- “add a little more sazón!” If I used one packet of sazón, he would want two! Eventually, I started making my own sazón (salt-free), so I could give him as much color as he wanted, without all those nasty artificial colors and MSG that are in the packets.
It started with cooking, but really applies into our general life as well. We aren’t really materialistic people; we would prefer a life full of experience. Instead of just making it through every day, we want a little more spice, a little more sazón, in our lives.
Why a blog?
Blogging is something that I have done even before blogging was a thing. My first blog was in 1998, and my very first entry was about how Bruce Willis and Demi Moore split (I was 13- don’t judge me!). Over the years I’ve gone from Geocities pages to domain names, from Greymatter, b2, and Movable Type to WordPress. Coding with Notepad was no big deal but trying to figure out WP is a whole different game and I’m slowly getting the hang of it. For years, I’ve wanted to have a place online where I could not just share my thoughts, but share my favorite recipes as well, but I didn’t want to do it half-assed- it needed to be a priority. First work kept me too busy, then school, and finally a baby. But here I am, and I hope you enjoy it!